Get a detailed analysis including all sellers, active & duplicate listings, estimated sales revenue, buy box report, and market share data. Gain valuable insights to regain control & protect your brand!
No hidden fees, no chargebacks – just results. We don't just offer services; we form strategic partnerships. Our business model is straightforward and transparent. We Protect, Buy, Sell, and Grow your brand on Amazon.
With Leap Stores, your success story begins without complications or surprises. Partner with us and experience ecommerce excellence, simplified.
Is your brand's profitability being eroded by relentless Amazon resellers, causing your pricing strategies to crumble?
The Amazon marketplace can be a challenging terrain, where unauthorized resellers can dilute your brand's image, disrupt your pricing structure, and compromise your hard-earned reputation. Don't let these challenges diminish your profits and brand control. Our Amazon Catalog & Brand Enforcement Audit is designed to unveil these issues, providing you with valuable insights to safeguard your