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1825 E Germann Rd Suite 14 Chandler, AZ 85286
Dr. Mark A. Garrison
Bio Health Solutions
Bio Health Solutions owns a patent for a solution to kidney health in mammals. Our branded product is sold globally through veterinary hospitals in 36 countries worldwide. In 2015, we discovered that unauthorized sellers were selling our products for less than veterinarians on Amazon, and EBay damaging our brand value. The Leap Team swooped in to save the day! They created a strategy to successfully eliminate unauthorized sellers and produced price parity with veterinarians. Once this monumental task was accomplished, they then set out to maximize our brand on these online platforms and significantly grew our sales. They have a complete understanding of the complexities necessary to be successful and understand that our veterinary relationships are paramount to our overall success. I would encourage anyone looking to partner with an online professional team to work with Leap.
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